J.D. Hamilton Instantly Killed
in Storm of Wednesday Night.
Another Rockdale citizen meets tragic death by coming in contact with high powered electric light wire of Texas Power & Light Co.
J.D. Hamilton, Rockdale citizen and business man and former constable of this precinct, was instantly killed about nine o'clock Wednesday night of this week when he came in contact with a fallen electric light wire on East Cameron Street near SAAP Depot.
Mr. Hamilton had been in Cameron on the Grand Jury and has just returned home on the evening SAAP train, which was late on account of the storm. The storm had broken the high voltage electric wire immediately in front of the residence of Dr. C.E. Wisecup. This wire had fallen in such manner to catch on the paling fence, thus forming a loop across the sidewalk. Mr. Hamilton, after waiting at the depot a few minutes for the rain to abate, started walking up town. His foot caught in the fallen wire, and the full charge of 2300 volts passed through his body, killing him instantly. He fell in such manner that the wire continued in contact with his leg, and it was therefore necessary to cut off the power at the sub-station before his body could be moved.
A Mexican named T.V. Rincon of Rosebud, was just behind Mr. Hamilton and witnessed his fall. This Mexican stated that he at first thought Mr. Hamilton had slipped and fallen and he started to take hold of him and help him up, but received such a shock he immediately realized the situation. He then gave the alarm and in a few minutes a number of citizens were at the scene, among the first to arrive being Dr. Wisecup, W.E. Gaither and Dr. Coulter.
As soon as the body could be extricated it was removed to the Henne & Meyer Undertaking Parlors, it being impossible to reach Mr. Hamilton's home on account of high water in Ham Branch. Examination disclosed that one of the dead man's feet was completely burned off, the entire lower limb, from shoe top almost to the knee, being almost entirely consumed.
This is the second death in Rockdale by electrocution in two weeks, and it is a singular coincidence that the other death -- that of little Velma Ashby on San Jacinto Day -- occurred in Mr. Hamilton's yard. The Rockdale Reporter and Messenger, Thursday, May 4, 1922
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