Dr. J.S. Letcher, who has been one of the leading physicians of Dallas for many years and whose last service was the procuring of the new charity hospital for this city, died at his home on Live Oak street at 12:30 o'clock this morning. For several weeks Dr. Letcher has been prostrated with appendicitis, and several times during that period has been at death's door. For the last two days he had been gradually growing weak, and this morning, surrounded by his family and a few friends, he breathed his last. Dallas Morning News, November 30, 1896
Dr. Joseph Stephens Letcher, who died yesterday at his home in this city, was born in Alabama forty-six years ago, and has ended peacefully a remarkably active and useful life. He leaves a devoted wife and three interesting and promising children.
As a physician he has, by unceasing labor and the best opportunities discovered by himself, arisen from obscurity to the first place in his profession, and as a Christian gentleman he was honored and beloved by a large circle of friends. His medical experience was varied, having practiced eleven years in Milam county, Texas, six years in Lampasas and since 1889 in the city of Dallas. During this later period and prior to the appointment of Dr. C.M. Rosser to the position now held they were associated professionally together. His practice has been general, including surgery. He was surgeon for railroad companies and vice president of the Texas Railway Surgeon's association, as also of the Texas State Medical association. He was examiner for nearly all insurance companies located here, and for three of them was medical referee for Texas.
Dr. Letcher was a man of great head and heart, affectionate with his friends and true to all men. He was of cheerful temperament and, being given much to the happiness of others,, was universally beloved.
Perhaps the most signal service attained here, and longest to be remembered, was that which attended his efforts for the establishment of the charity hospital now in course of construction. In this he was ably seconded by the local profession, but to his energy and zeal is largely due the gratitude of the people for this blessing.
The funeral services will be held in the second Baptist church to-day, and the burial will follow at Oakland cemetery.
The Dallas Medical and Surgical association, by a special call issued by the president, Dr. J.B. Smoot, and the secretary, Dr. B.F. Church, met at 8 o'clock p.m. at the office of Dr. McLaurin & Ganom, and passed unanimously the following resolutions. About twenty-five members were present:
Whereas, Almighty God has in his inscrutable wisdom removed from our fellowship our beloved friend and devoted brother; and,Whereas, we bow in great grief before this dispensation of divine providence, mourning the loss of a most gifted and honored member; therefore be it
Resolved, 1. That in the loss of Dr. Joseph S. Letcher we have sustained one greater than can be told the companionship of a trusted friend, the counsel of a wise physician and the love of an affectionate brother.
2. That in memory of his blameless life, both as a professional devotee and a Christian gentleman, we endeavor to emulate his example and thus strive to give some new force here and there to the good in his life.
3. That our tenderest sympathy be extended by these resolutions to his excellent wife and beloved children, with the assurance that at any time a service can be performed or a burden lightened by word or deed of ours it will be done, as to our own.
4. That as an inadequate expression of the love we bear and the sorrow we feel this society will assemble at the family residence to-morrow and attend the funeral services as a body.
5. That copies of these resolutions be given the press for publication; that these resolutions be entered in the minutes of this society, and that a copy, suitably prepared, be presented to the bereaved family.
Signed by the committee -- M.M. Edmondson, M.D,; Emil Aronson, M.D.; S.J. Gano, M.D.; J.B. Smoot, M.D.; John O. McReynolds, M.D. Dallas Morning News, December 1, 1896