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Friday, April 26, 2013

1891 :: Waterworks for Rockdale

Rockdale, Tex., April 25. -- Arrangements were perfected to-day between an authorized committee of the city council and Mr. M.P. Kelley, representative of eastern parties, whereby a $42,000 system of waterworks will be established here, work to commence in sixty days and to be completed before January next. This clinches a long felt ambition of the town, and Mr. Kelley assures the council that an ice and electric plant will immediately follow. Dallas Morning News, April 26, 1891

Saturday, April 20, 2013

1906 :: Death of Howard E Willson

Death of Howard E. Willson. Editor of Many Years' Standing Dies at Rockdale. Special to The News. Taylor, Tex., April 19. -- Editor Howard E. Willson of the Rockdale Messenger, aged 45, a son of H.I. Willson of the Taylor Texan, died at his home in Rockdale last night of acute nasal catarrh, leaving a widow and four children, two sons and two daughters. Deceased was a vigorous writer, a Christian gentleman and was well and favorably known to the press of Texas, having edited the Taylor Texan for fourteen years prior to purchasing the Rockdale Messenger several years ago. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and Knights of Pythias lodge of that city. The remains were buried with Pythian honors at Rockdale this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dallas Morning News, April 20, 1906 

Friday, April 19, 2013

1897 :: Stolen Horses

Sheriffs' Department. Milam County. Cameron, Tex., April 17. -- Stolen. April 15, in Rockdale, brown mare, about 9 years old, three stocking feet, 15 hands high, blotched brand on left shoulder and star in forehead. Also 4-year-old bay horse, 15 hands high, one white hind foot, branded 3C on left shoulder. Reasonable reward for return or information leading to recovery by I.H. Corbett and $25 for the arrest and conviction of the thieves will be paid by Marshall J.B. Hamilton. Address R. Todd, sheriff Milam county. Dallas Morning News, April 19, 1897

Friday, April 5, 2013

1916 :: Death of Arthur Jenness

Rockdale, Texas, April 4. -- Arthur Jenness, a prominent farmer and former business man of this city, was instantly killed near Kolbs' gin nine miles northwest of town this afternoon by a falling tree. Mr. Jenness was supervising some road work, which included the removal of a lot of extra large pecan trees, one of which fell sooner than expected. Mr. Jenness met his death in an effort to save his saddle horse, which had strayed under the tree. His neck was broken and skull crushed. Dallas Morning News, April 5, 1916

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1928 :: Death of J.H. Richardson

Rockdale, Milam Co., Texas, April 1. -- Relatives are in receipt of a message announcing the death of J.H. Richardson of Whittier, Cal. Richardson made frequent return visits to Rockdale where, together with a brother, he was interested in the Rockdale oil fields. Dallas Morning News, April 2, 1928

1928 :: Death of Boyd Taylor, CSA Veteran

Rockdale, Milam Co., Texas, April 1. -- Boyd Taylor, 88, died at his home near Milano. The funeral was under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, with District Judge Watson of Cameron officiating. The Rev. Polk C. Webb had charge of the religious service. He had lived in Milano district for forty years. He was a veteran of the Civil War. Dallas Morning News, April 2, 1928

1928 :: Death of Ben Arthur

Rockdale, Milam Co., Texas, April 3. -- Funeral services for Ben F. Arthur, 86, was held at his home in this city, the Rev. Charles F. Smith of the Methodist Church officiating. Burial was made in the old City Cemetery. He was a Confederate soldier, a member of Tom Green Cavalry and a pioneer resident of Rockdale. Dallas Morning News, April 2, 1928