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Friday, May 22, 2015

1865 :: Milam County Guards

Company E "Milam County Guards", 4th Texas Cavalry. This company was organized at Cameron, Texas September 9, 1861 and mustered into Confederate service for the war at San Antonio, Texas September 24, 1861. It was discharged in Burleson County, Texas May 22, 1865. Commanded by Captains Charles Buckholts and Joseph H. Long.

Milam County, Texas in the Civil War

1865 :: San Andres Light Horse Co.

Company D "San Andres Light Horse Company", 4th Texas Cavalry. This company was organized at San Andres, Milam County, Texas September 7, 1861 and mustered into Confederate service for the war at San Antonio, Texas September 16, 1861. It was discharged in Burleson County, Texas May 22, 1865. Commanded by Captains Charles M. Lesueur, Abner B. Parrott, and Henry G. Carter.

Milam County, Texas in the Civil War

Saturday, May 16, 2015

1912 :: Photo of Iceberg

Edmond Wolf is in receipt of a kodak picture made by his father. A. Wolf, from the deck of the steamship Frankfurt, and showing the iceberg which wrecked the Titanic on the 14th of April. 

Mr. and Mrs. Wolf were passengers on the Frankfurt which was the first ship to catch the Titanic's wireless call for help, but on account of the distance arrived too late to be of any service. The photo is clear and gives a splendid picture of the berg. 

Mr. and Mrs. Wolf have written several letters back home since their arrival in the old country, and report a most enjoyable trip in every respect. Rockdale Reporter and Messenger, May 16, 1912

Thursday, May 14, 2015

1880 :: Temperance Societies and Fires

The Rockdale Messenger seems to think that temperance societies and fires do not work in concert. It relates that John Redding of that town joined the temperance society at 9 P.M., at 2 A.M. a fire broke out and John fell from grace. He again joined and on the occasion of the next fire again succumbed. A third time he buckled on the temperance armor, again a fire occurred and again John became a backslider. He was cured, he still has confidence in temperance societies, but can't be induced to join another -- he is afraid of fires. Brenham Weekly Banner, May 14, 1880

1895 :: Cornerstone of New City Hall

Rockdale, Milam Co., Tex., May 13. -- The laying of the cornerstone of the new city hall occurred this afternoon under the auspices of Rockdale lodge 414, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. The address was by District Deputy Grand Master L.W. Albertson, mayor of Belton. Dallas Morning News, May 14, 1895

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

1905 :: Death of Mrs. Winnie Price

Temple, Tex., May 12. -- Two of Temple's oldest citizens were removed by death yesterday. Mrs. Winnie Price, mother of Mrs. D.R. Munn, died at the residence of her daughter at the ripe age of 72. The body was taken to Rockdale for burial. . . . Galveston Daily News, May 13, 1905 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

1914 :: Death of Mrs. P.A. Lewis

Rockdale, Apr. 30th. -- The funeral of Mrs. P.A. Lewis, who died at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Fred H. Graves, Wednesday at 2 p.m., while sitting in an easy chair, were held Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the newly dedicated Presbyterian church, Rev. W.E. Copeland, the pastor, conducting the ceremonies. 

Mrs. Lewis was born in the state of Alabama, and was at the inauguration of the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. At the time of her death she was 79 years, 8 months and 29 days old. She had resided with a daughter in Rockdale, Mrs. E.S. Loper, for the past 27 years, where her life had been marked by a strong devotion to duty. 

Last January she suffered a fall from which she had never regained her former activity. To break the monotony, she would spend each alternate week with a grand daughter, which fell upon Monday. Each vied with the other in showering her with attentions. 

Her cherished prayers were that she might live to witness the dedication of the new church in which her labors had played so important a part, and to be able to walk without assistance. Both were granted. On Sunday, April 19, she was tenderly borne to the place, and given an honored seat amid an environment of palms, ferns and Easter lilies, when her choice anthem was sung. And the day she died, she walked to the midday meal alone. 

The last services were held at sunset in the Old City Cemetery. Probably no greater tribute was ever paid another than that extended to this favored daughter. Mrs. Lewis is survived by two daughters, Mesdames E.S. Loper of Rockdale, and Mattie Werner of Houston, fifteen grand-children, of which is Mr. Henry T. Werner [sic] of the Associated Press, Houston, and 30 great-grand-children. Cameron Herald, May 7, 1914

Monday, May 4, 2015

1939 :: Death of Mary Ellen Walker

Funeral services for Mrs. M.E. Walker, former resident of Checotah, who died at the home of her daughter in Rockdale, Texas, April 26, were conducted at the Powers chapel with Rev. Martin Davis, Jr., officiating. Burial was in Greenlawn cemetery. Survivors include: one daughter, Mrs. Josie Stowe, formerly Mrs. Henry Largent of Rockdale, Texas and a son, Vernon Walker of Seminole. McIntosh County Democrat, May 4, 1939

1922 :: Death of J.D. Hamilton

J.D. Hamilton Instantly Killed 
in Storm of Wednesday Night. 

Another Rockdale citizen meets tragic death by coming in contact with high powered electric light wire of Texas Power & Light Co. 

J.D. Hamilton, Rockdale citizen and business man and former constable of this precinct, was instantly killed about nine o'clock Wednesday night of this week when he came in contact with a fallen electric light wire on East Cameron Street near SAAP Depot. 

Mr. Hamilton had been in Cameron on the Grand Jury and has just returned home on the evening SAAP train, which was late on account of the storm. The storm had broken the high voltage electric wire immediately in front of the residence of Dr. C.E. Wisecup. This wire had fallen in such manner to catch on the paling fence, thus forming a loop across the sidewalk. Mr. Hamilton, after waiting at the depot a few minutes for the rain to abate, started walking up town. His foot caught in the fallen wire, and the full charge of 2300 volts passed through his body, killing him instantly. He fell in such manner that the wire continued in contact with his leg, and it was therefore necessary to cut off the power at the sub-station before his body could be moved. 

A Mexican named T.V. Rincon of Rosebud, was just behind Mr. Hamilton and witnessed his fall. This Mexican stated that he at first thought Mr. Hamilton had slipped and fallen and he started to take hold of him and help him up, but received such a shock he immediately realized the situation. He then gave the alarm and in a few minutes a number of citizens were at the scene, among the first to arrive being Dr. Wisecup, W.E. Gaither and Dr. Coulter

As soon as the body could be extricated it was removed to the Henne & Meyer Undertaking Parlors, it being impossible to reach Mr. Hamilton's home on account of high water in Ham Branch. Examination disclosed that one of the dead man's feet was completely burned off, the entire lower limb, from shoe top almost to the knee, being almost entirely consumed. 

This is the second death in Rockdale by electrocution in two weeks, and it is a singular coincidence that the other death -- that of little Velma Ashby on San Jacinto Day -- occurred in Mr. Hamilton's yard. The Rockdale Reporter and Messenger, Thursday, May 4, 1922

Saturday, May 2, 2015

1922 :: Carlyle Post #358

CARLYLE POST NO. 358 (Researched by Louis Rinn

Carlyle Post 358 was organized May 2, 1922. The name Carlyle was selected to honor two local fallen comrades, Hicks Carlyle and James W. Carlyle. The two brothers were killed the same day, October 8, 1918, only thirty days before Germany raised the White Flag of surrender. The Carlyle brothers resided in the Hamilton Chapel Community which is four miles southwest of Rockdale. 

The first meeting of Carlyle Post 358 was held in an upstairs room of the Dr. H.T. Coulter Building at the corner of North Main and West Cameron streets. Later a meeting place was furnished by the city at the City Hall. 

At the first meeting of Carlyle Post the following men were elected as officers of the Post: Dr. C.E. Wisecup, Post Commander; Percy Diehl, Vice Commander; H.H. Turner, Post Adjutant; John T. Hale, Finance Officer; Fred Eads, Post Historian; Dr. I.P. Sessions, Post Chaplain; and C.U. Cates, Sergeant at Arms. 

The following men were also charter members of the Post: H.E. Blenden, Robert H. Floyd, Dr. H.T. Coulter, Max Ferrari, William F. Vogel, Clyde Franklin, Dr. T.E. Crump, J.P. Horton, Alvin M. Johnson, and Ralph Larrieu

In 1935 Carlisle Post purchased the Wolf Hotel at the corner of North Main and East Milam Streets. Plans for a new home were soon drawn by Clyde Franklin. This home was completed in the early forties. 

1952 was the peak year for membership. The total membership for that year was 326. W.P. (Red) Hogan was commander of the Post at that time. 

Carlisle Post has sent at least one boy to Boys' State in Austin each year since it was organized. The Post has sponsored the American Legion baseball team and has participated in civic affairs that have taken place in the city of Rockdale. A History of Rockdale, Texas 1874-1974

According to a Rockdale Reporter article dated Nov. 15, 2001 . . . In 1935, Post 358 purchased the former Wolf Hotel, one of Rockdale's most historic turn-of-the-century structures. The hotel, at the corner of Main and Milam, was renovated and served as Carlyle Post's home for more than 60 years. Carlyle Post has been through periods of inactivity but still retains some membership and has plans for a new building. The old Legion building (Wolf Hotel) has been razed. That project was completed earlier this year.

Friday, May 1, 2015

1913 :: Some Sweet Day

George Colgate, agent for the Sap at Sinton, came up Saturday night and spent Sunday "at home" in Rockdale. George says he is "coming back home to stay" some sweet day. Rockdale Reporter and Messenger, May 01, 1913

1884 :: Death of E. Ensheimer

Rockdale, April 29. -- I. Ensheimer, recently employed by A. Steinberg, of this place, but for some time out of employment, committed suicide this morning by an overdose of morphine. He left an open letter, on which was written: "Disappointment in man has brought me to the long sleep. Please bury me decently." Deceased was quiet and steady, and generally respected. Austin Weekly Statesman, May 1, 1884

1913 :: Stolen Cotton Planter

The party who deliberately drove up to my place, loaded a cotton planter on his wagon and drove off with it last Thursday, April 27, will do well to return same at once. I know who the party is, and unless planter is returned immediately will take steps for prosecution. H.D. BrodnaxRockdale Reporter and Messenger, May 01, 1913